These databases list all active telephone NPA (area code), NXX (exchange prefix) and thousands block identifier combinations. Our NPA, NXX block identifier data can be used to identify the first seven digits of a ten digit North American USA, Canada and some Caribbean countries telephone number to identify invalid, landline, VoIP and wireless or cellular numbers in your telephone number list as a step toward TCPA and Wireless-do-not-call compliancy.
The North American Numbering Plan (NANP) is the telephone numbering system within which the Public Switched Telephone Network is managed in the United States, Canada, and some Caribbean countries by the North American Numbering Plan Administrator (NANPA). The NANP is divided into smaller Numbering Plan Areas that are each identified by a three-digit code, commonly known as an area code. Telephone numbers in the NANP are structured in the format NPA-NXX-XXXX, in which:
NPA is the 3-digit area code that identifies a specific geographic area;
NXX is the 3-digit prefix that identifies a specific central office within an area code; and
XXXX is the 4-digit line number that identifies a specific line within a central office.
Our NPA NXX database products provide comprehensive coverage of all active telephone exchange area codes, central office prefix,es and thousands-block assignments within the North American Numbering Plan (NANP).
North American Local Exchange NPA NXX Database shares its numbering resources. These countries include the United States and its territories, Canada, Bermuda, Anguilla, Antigua & Barbuda, the Bahamas, Barbados, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Dominica, the Dominican Republic, Grenada, Jamaica, Montserrat, Sint Maarten, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, and Turks & Caicos.
Compiled directly from definitive industry and regulatory sources, Select Phone Data delivers current, accurate jurisdictional and associated data including block pooled indicator, portability indicator, NXX type (wireline, paging, cellular, VoIP, etc.), Rate Center, Wire Center, switch CLLI code, OCN, LATA, MTA, V&H coordinates, Latitude, Longitude, Time Zone and Daylight Savings Indicators and more for all active NPA NXX thousands-block assignments.
NPA (Area Code)
NXX (Central Office Code)
Thousands Block Identifier
Thousands Block Pooled Indicator
Local Access and Transport Area (LATA)
Local Interconnection Region (LIR)
NXX Type (land line, wireless, VoIP, etc.)
Thousands Block Contaminated Flag
State, Province or Territory
Wire Center Name
Wire Center V&H Coordinates
Switch CLLI Code
Rate Center Number Pooling Status
Rate Center Type (Zoned, Suburban, etc.)
Rate Center Name
Rate Center V&H Coordinates
Rate Center Industry Abbreviation
Time Zone Abbreviation
Daylight Saving Time Recognized Flag ZIP or Postal Codes1
County or County Equivalent Codes2
Current Metropolitan Statistical Area Codes3
Historical Metropolitan Statistical Area Codes4 (MSA/PMSA)
Service Area Latitude and Longitude
Carrier Type
Carrier NECA assigned OCN
Original or Parent NPA
Block Scheduled for Disconnect Flag
Central Office Code Assignment Date 5
Central Office Code Effective Date 6
Major Trading Area (MTA)
Basic Trading Area (BTA)
NXX Detail Type (function)
Olson Database Time Zone Identifier
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
Portability Indicator Y
NOTE: Each NPA NXX record may contain up to four U.S. Zip codes or four Canada Postal FSA codes.
U.S. FIPS county codes or Canadian Census Division codes may contain up to three.
U.S. CBSA codes or Statistics Canada CMA/CA codes.
U.S. (only) historical CMSA, PMSA, and MSA codes.
For those U.S. resources assigned through NANPA or the National Pooling Administrator.
Date block became active, last modified, or scheduled for disconnect.
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has exclusive jurisdiction over telephone numbering in the United States but has delegated specific authority to state regulatory agencies. Tasked with the authority granted by the FCC, the CPUC conducts area code relief and enforces number conservation
Our telecom databases are available
Area code, exchange, State, City, County, Zip – By ratecenter Database.
Area code, exchange, State, City, County, Zip Database.
CLLI codes, Latitude, and Longitude. Database.
All telephone exchanges in the US and surrounding areas, format is CLLI|NPA|NXX Database.
First 6 characters of all the CLLI codes, followed by city and state. Format: CLLI, City, State database.
List of all LATA numbers and their respective LATAs. The format is LATANUM|LATA Description Database.
All exchanges are ordered by LATA, NPA, NXX, State, City, and Zip Database.
NPA, Exchange, State, Ratecenter, OCN, Company, City, County, Zip, Lat, Lon by Rate Center Database.
Area Code, Exchange, POSIX Time zone Database.
Area code, exchange, Company, State, City, County, Zip, Rate center – By Wire Center Database.
All NPA-NXX and thousands blocks along with the following fields: State, Company, OCN, Ratecenter, CLLI, Assign Date, prefix type, Switch name, switch type, and lata Database.
All NPA-NXX along with the following fields: State, Company, OCN, Rate center, CLLI, Assign Date, prefix type, Switch name, switch type, lata, ILEC Name, and ILEC OCN Database.
All NPA-NXX and thousands blocks along with the following fields: State, Company, OCN, Rate center, CLLI, Assign Date, prefix type, Switch name, switch type, lata, ILEC Name and ILEC OCN Database.
Type to manufacturer Take the commonly used three-letter abbreviation for a switch type and find its manufacturer and model name. The format is ABBREV, Manufacturer, Model Database.